Right of cancellation
The following cancellation policy is an integral part of the contract and only applies to consumers.
You can cancel your agreement to the contract within 14 days without stating reasons in text form (e.g. letter, fax, email) or - if you receive the object prior to the expiration of the term - by returning the object. The term commences after the receipt of this notice in text form however, not prior to the receipt of the merchandise by the recipient (in the case of the recurring delivery of merchandise of similar type not prior to the receipt of the first partial delivery) and also not prior to the fulfilment of our duties to supply information according to article 246 § 2 in conjunction with § 1 sec. 1 and 2 EGBGB (Introductory Act to the German Civil Code) as well as our duties according to § 312e sec. 1 sentence 1 BGB (German Civil Code) in conjunction with article 246 § 3 EGBGB. The timely dispatch of the cancellation or the object suffices to adhere to the cancellation period. The cancellation is to be addressed to:
Ducati-Aprilia-Kämna, Brügger Str. 27, 28870 Otterstedt, Germany
Fax: +49 4205/2360, Email: email@ducati-kaemna.de
Cancellation consequences
In the event of an effective cancellation, any mutually provided merchandise or services must be returned and if applicable, compensation must be provided for use of the same (e. g. interest).
If you cannot return the received service in full or in part or only in a deteriorated condition, you may be liable to pay compensation for lost value, if applicable. This does not apply if the deterioration of the merchandise can be solely attributed to its inspection - as it would have been possible in a store. Apart from that, you can avoid the obligation to compensate for deterioration due to the utilisation of the merchandise as intended by not using the merchandise as if it was your property and by refraining from doing anything that could impair its value.
Merchandise, which can be shipped by parcel, will be sent back at our risk. You must pay the costs for the return shipment. For you, the term commences with the shipment of your cancellation notice or the merchandise, for us with the receipt thereof.
Costs for the return shipment in the event of a cancellation
You must bear the routine costs for the return shipment. If the merchandise was delivered like ordered we will charge 15% minimum charge of the total abount for re-stocking.
Exclusion of cancellation
The right of cancellation does not apply for contracts
- for the delivery of merchandise which is produced according to customer specifications or is clearly tailored to personal needs or is not suitable for return shipment due to its properties and condition.
- for the delivery of audio or video recordings (e.g. CDs and DVDs) or software if the seals on the delivered data mediums were broken.
- for delivery of electronic parts
- for goods which were sold with a discount (for example in large quatities or slightly faulty had)
- End of cancellation policy -